Digital, efficient and personal customer contact thanks to live video support
Customers are increasingly demanding. That in itself is nothing new, of course, yet companies and organisations are still making more and more effort to increase customer loyalty. Their aim is to go one step further than simply keeping their customers satisfied. Because customers that are only satisfied are not necessarily loyal customers. In essence, a satisfied customer has simply received the product or service that he expected or had been promised. That's nice, but it doesn't stop the customer from continuing to look around for a better or cheaper product. Only extremely satisfied customers are more loyal. In other words, customers who are positively surprised by the product or service they have received.
One way to exceed the customer expectation and therefore to increase customer loyalty is to provide customer service through remote visual support technology, for example through video interactions. This makes it possible to offer customers very fast and intuitive guidance for all kinds of problems, such as the self-installation of devices, the resolution of error messages and questions about billing.
From pillar to post
The more effort a customer has to put in to solve a problem, the less likely they are to be loyal to a brand. So what is it that takes so much effort? How about having to repeatedly call customer service, using multiple communication channels before a problem is resolved, or having to repeat information several times?
Today's customer does not want to have to wait days for a solution, and he certainly does not appreciate being sent from pillar to post. He wants to be served efficiently, now. Companies therefore need to provide solutions and tools that reduce customer efforts.
Many of the tools used by contact centres today are based on digital innovations. This is of course in line with the fact that more and more people have a smartphone with which they can use these types of tools. Video support fits perfectly into this picture as it provides an efficient, easy and fast way to assist the customer remotely.
The convenience of video
Since the use of video takes away the need for the customer to (only) describe their problem in words, it prevents a lot of confusion and frustration, both for the customer and for the contact centre employee. Optionally, the video application can be used in combination with a co-browse functionality, so the employee can view and navigate the customer's screen.
As many people are now completely accustomed to video calling due to working from home during the lockdowns, the threshold for having live video contact with a customer service department has become a lot lower. Good news for companies that want to go a step further in offering personal customer contact!
Widely applicable
Live video support lends itself to a variety of uses. It offers a solution for technical support when self-installing or -assembling a product, but also when needing to solve defects or error messages. The customer contact employee can easily see what the problem is and then visually guide the customer to the solution step-by-step. This ensures a much higher First Contact Resolution (FCR) and a better customer experience. In addition, it reduces the need for customer visits at home, which is a lot more efficient.
Live video support is also an efficient solution for insurance claims. It is faster and more accurate than paper or manual claims, it is easier to estimate the damage, and it reduces the risk of fraud. Moreover, it is more efficient than sending a claims investigator on site for every claim.
Billing issues can also be solved much more efficiently through live video support, optionally in combination with screen sharing or co-browsing. It ensures that the contact centre employee can see what the customer is explaining, so they can answer questions and resolve any inaccuracies.
In all cases, a video interaction results in a better customer experience, which in turn leads to a greater chance of loyalty and a better NPS. Certainly in a world where most interactions are remote, it offers the customer a more personal and empathetic approach. Customers appreciate the combination of a digital tool that is efficient and personal at the same time, which is how companies can make a difference.
Greater efficiency and improved FCR are of course beneficial for the business results as well. In addition, thanks to live video support, you can improve the utilisation rate of your staff, because you can centralise scarce knowledge, for example that of installation technicians or damage experts. Video calling also increases the productivity of these employees. Not only because advisors save travel time, but also because video calls with customers take a lot less time than physical appointments.
Tips for an optimal live video solution
Still, there are a few potential snags to keep in mind when opting for remote live video support.
Keep it simple
Nowadays, customers are no longer eager to download a separate app for (one-off) contact with a company or organisation. So make sure that the video solution is accessible from the browser and super simple to use. If not, you create an unnecessary barrier that will deter customers from using the video channel.
Integration and reporting
The use of live video support in customer service only makes sense if this channel is an integral part of the omnichannel platform and is integrated with the CRM system, the knowledge management platform and other back-office systems.
In addition, it is important that the solution is not only aimed at the customer service department, but that it is deployed throughout the organisation. Only then can you serve the customer efficiently and will the reports be comprehensive. So choose a solution with open APIs that enables optimal integration.
Is the solution designed for contact centres?
General meeting tools such as Zoom or Teams are not designed for 1-on-1 customer contact, and therefore not suitable for a customer service organisation. So choose a solution that is specifically aimed at contact centres.
The choice for a remote live video solution that suits your organisation should not be taken lightly. There are all kinds of providers and options, and sometimes it’s hard to see the wood for the trees. Does this sound familiar? Our experts are happy to help you on your way, both with advice about the various technologies and with experiences they have gained at other companies and organisations. Would you like to have a chat with one of them? Let us know!
Whitepaper 'From the pit lane to pole position'
The customer experience has become the competitive tool of choice, and in a world where customer behaviour and customer needs are changing at breakneck speed, the need for innovative technologies and automation in the contact centre is increasing. Those who do not invest in innovation run into an unbridgeable deficit.
In our whitepaper "From the pit lane to pole position: The urgency of customer-centric innovation in the contact centre", we discuss the different ways AI and other technologies can be applied in contact centres. They help to find the right balance between man and machine, and between scalability and “personal touch”, in order to optimally serve the customer.
Don't get stuck in the pit lane, invest now in the technology that puts your company in pole position. We are happy to help you on your way.